Monday, July 11, 2016

Meta Data

Lucy and Ruby swim in Tappan Lake, OH.,  June 17th @ 06:20pm. Photo taken with Marci's Apple iPhone 5s; back camera, 4.15mm lens, ISO 32, the F-Stop was 2.2, and was a 1/1208th second exposure. No filter added post. 

Here is a perfect example of how technology will let us all down. Now, when I plugged the ol' iPhone into the laptop it dumped all the pictures into whatever the iCloud is... BUT then I tried to copy all those photos onto an external hard drive. The images saved just fine. They are there. Like so many prints in the bottom of an old shoe box, with no captions. Flip them over and you won't see any information scribbled there in a faded pencil. Perhaps that is the power of images. They are both perfect memories and vague remembrances. The images are sharp but the detail are fuzzy. 

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