I really wanted this winter to be better. I wanted to not put 100,000 miles on the odometer of my other-wise brand new truck. I didn't want to spend one cold night of 2011 sleeping in the front seat of that same truck. Nissan's are nice but they don't make very good hotel rooms. I did not, did not, want to see Connellsville again, but I will. Sometimes, being a grown up is really no fun.
I could just take the layoff. Chances are I would get back to work fairly soon. I might only miss a couple paychecks. The savings account could handle it. Right? (Deep breath, big sigh.) Yes and maybe and perhaps with a little bit of who-knows and I'm-not-sure. The only known thing here is that the savings account would get smaller, and that just isn't very responsible, huh? No. It isn't. I'm a husband, and a father. I'm a provider. I don't get to cry about long nights away from home, and I don't get to complain about horrible weather on the roads, and I just have to stand up and be "that-guy."
Pack the pillow and the blanket behind the driver's seat. This isn't forever. This isn't the way it will always be. It could get better. It should.

"Window Frame #1" from an Eastbound Freight running through south Akron, Ohio, 2010. Photo by: Anonymous
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